What a great week we had at TBC with Life Action leading us in the Thirst Conference. May God continue to bear much fruit in our lives as we seek Him with all that we are. As we prepare to gather on Sunday, we invite you to pray with us as we seek live as Jesus’ disciples.
Prayer Guide: Oct 20, 2019 – Matthew 10:24-11:1
1. Praise the God of salvation, the One who has secured our eternal dwelling and given us His Spirit as a pledge of our inheritance.
2. Thank God that He does not hold our sin against us or treat us as we deserve. Praise Him for lavishing His mercy and kindness upon us.
3. Ask God to give you courage when facing trials and difficulty.
4. Pray for grace to live in the fear of the Lord and to earnestly seek to align your life with His Word and His ways. Ask God to enable you to walk with the Spirit so that you would not carry out the lusts of the flesh.
5. Thank God for His providential care in your life. Worship Him as the sovereign God who is for you and not against you!
6. Confess to God your struggle to prioritize Him in every aspect of your life.
7. Ask God for grace to live your loyalty and allegiance to Him daily.
8. Ask God to make your life, your ministry, fruitful for His glory. Pray that God would be at work in every relationship that you have with others.