In Daniel 4, we read that King Nebuchadnezzar is tro" />In Daniel 4, we read that King Nebuchadnezzar is tro" />

Prayer Guide: May 6, 2018 – Daniel 4

Posted By: Nate Magloughlin - 5/2/2018 1:00:00 PM

In Daniel 4, we read that King Nebuchadnezzar is troubled by bad dreams once again. What becomes clear is that God is trying to get the king’s attention and ultimately humble Nebuchadnezzar. Humility is essential. God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6). Please join with your church family asking God to make us humble and ready to live for His glory.

Pastor Nate

Prayer Guide: May 6, 2018 – Daniel 4

1. Ask God to help you to see Him for who He is. Confess to God your tendency to think less of Him than He reveals Himself to be.

2. Repent of imagining yourself as greater and more important than you are. Confess that you often live with an exalted view of yourself that leads to relational chaos and strife.  

3. Pray that God would mercifully humble you. Ask for eyes to see His hand at work and grace to repent of both pride and the vices associated with it in your life.

4. Pray for compassion for the lost. Ask God for courage to speak the Truth in love should God give you opportunity to help someone see and turn from sin.

5. Ask God to give the members at Trinity Baptist Church hearts to invest in and invite people to Trinity Baptist Church for the sake of the gospel.

6. Plead with God to do His work of salvation and sanctification amongst us.