As we continue our series The Renewed Mind: Gospel-Filtered Thinking from Philippians 4:4-9, we focus our attention on v.8. Here, Paul calls the church to meditate on a list of virtues that has been termed the briefest biography of Jesus Christ ever written. While Paul’s list of virtues is mostly taken from ancient Greek moral philosophers, Paul is clearly sanctifying them in connecting to the One true and Living God. As we humble ourselves before God, in order to battle anxiety, Paul wants us to pray and to meditate on that which is excellent and praise worthy. Please join with your church family as we pray for God grace to be at work in us and among us this weekend.
Prayer Guide: May 5, 2019 – Philippians 4:7-8
1. Praise the God who reveals Himself as all-powerful, all-knowing, all-wise, and ever present.
2. Thank God for His grace and his kindness extended to you in the cross of Christ.
3. Ask God to give you grace to discipline your thought life and to meditate on what matters most.
4. Ask God to help you discern, seek, and love truth.
5. Pray for those who you know who are facing anxiety. Ask God to help them to recall the truth about who He is and who they are in Christ.
6. Ask God to comfort you as you recall His sovereign reign over everything and His providential care in your life.
7. Ask God to give you a heart for the lost and the hurting and for courage to engage others with the gospel.
8. Pray that God’s spirit would descend on our church in power to transform us and to give us a greater passion for His glory.