As the time draws closer for Jesus to fulfill the mission for which the Father sent Him, Jesus becomes less concerned about hiding His identity. In Matthew 21:1-17, Jesus begins to make His presence known in ways that anger those who are opposed to Him. Matthew wants us to see that Jesus is God’s anointed king and that Jesus possesses all authority. Join with your church family in prayer as we seek God’s wisdom and grace.
Prayer Guide: May 31, 2020 – Matthew 21:1-17
1. Praise Jesus, the King of Kings who possesses all authority.
2. Ask God to give you grace to help you live more consistently with His will and His ways.
3. Confess to God your propensity to rebel against His authority, even in the small things. Ask for forgiveness; Thank Him for His cleansing grace.
4. Pray for people you know who are apart from faith in Jesus. Ask God to soften their hearts and open their eyes so that they may see Jesus for who He is and respond in faith and repentance.
5. Pray for our church leadership as they make the final touches on our church’s reopening plan. Ask God to protect both the physical health and the spiritual unity of our church body.
6. Pray that our church family will continue to immerse itself in God’s Word, focusing on reading, meditating on, and memorizing selected passages this year.