Many followers of Jesus have cringed in response to Jesus’ parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard (Matthew 20:1-16.) But rather than cry unfair along with the first group of laborers, let us consider what Jesus wants us to learn. No doubt, Jesus is giving us a greater vision of the grace of the sovereign God. Additionally, Jesus is warning us against harboring any self-righteous thoughts that would lead to ungratefulness and envy. Join with you church family this week as we prepare our hearts to hear from God on Sunday, May 10
Prayer Guide: May 10, 2020 – Matthew 20:1-16
1. Humble yourself before the Almighty God who is worthy of all praise. Worship Him as the great God who is sovereign over all things.
2. Thank God for His love. Thank Him for initiating and accomplishing our salvation.
3. Thank God for His perfect character – that He is Good and that He is trustworthy. That He always fulfills His promises and that He works all things for the good for those who love Him and are called according to His purposes.
4. Ask God to give you a greater understanding of His grace and a more realistic understanding of yourself and your own need for His grace.
5. Confess your struggle to rest in God’s grace and propensity to seek to earn His favor through good works.
6. Ask God to humble you and give you passion to walk with the Spirit, fulling the good deeds that He has created for us to walk in.
7. Pray that COVID-19 cases would decline in the Amarillo area and that our city leaders would have wisdom from above concerning the re-opening of the city.
8. Pray for our nation. Pray that God’s people would be faithful to seek Him, to depend on Him, and to proclaim Christ.
9. Ask God to do His work of salvation in the life someone for whom you are praying.