Jesus’ fifth word from the cross is the only word that deals specifically with His physical condition. In the statement, I thirst we get a glimpse of Jesus intense suffering and a reminder of His humanity. Jesus suffered, died, and rose again as a human. In full obedience to the Father, and in submission to Scripture, Jesus secures our salvation paves the only way to reconciliation with God. Join us in prayer as we prepare our hearts for corporate worship this Sunday morning.
Prayer Guide: March 31, 2019 – John 19:28
1. Give thanks to the God who planned, accomplished, and secures our eternal salvation through Jesus Christ.
2. Thank the Lord for willingly enduring such hostility and brutality for your sake.
3. Just as Jesus knew and submitted to Scripture, as God to give you such resolve to read and meditate on Scripture in order to submit to it.
4. Just as Jesus submitted His will to the Father’s will, ask God to give you such resolve.
5. Knowing that Jesus is the Great High Priest who can sympathize with our weaknesses, ask God for greater faith to persevere during great difficulty.
6. Pray that God will glorify Himself by giving spiritual life to spiritually dead hearts this Sunday.
7. Pray that each of our members would be committed to reaching at least one person with the gospel in 2019.