As we continue our words from the cross series, we turn our attention to Jesus' words to a dying thief. Today you will be with me in Paradise. The gospels of Mark and Matthew tell us that this thief begins his day by reviling Christ. He is being executed in the same way as Christ, yet he feels the need to insult and mock him. However, something happens over 6 hours. Being in the presence of Christ changes this man. Join together as we pray and seek the face of God. Pray that as we behold Christ he would change us.
Prayer Guide: March 10, 2019 – Luke 23:43
1. Spend time thanking God for the cross. Praise him that Jesus' sacrifice was sufficient to pay the penalty of sin.
2. Ask God to set your heart and mind upon Christ, and ask God to transform you more and more into the image of Christ.
3. Confess to God your inability to save yourself, and praise him for his work of salvation in your life.
4. Give thanks to God that he remembers those who belong to Him.
5. Ask God for wisdom concerning who you can invite to our Good Friday Musical and our Easter Sunday service.
6. Ask God’s Spirit to make us more like Christ as we gather with the people of God this weekend.
7. Pray that God will glorify Himself by giving spiritual life to spiritually dead hearts this Sunday.