The 3rd Commandment – You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain – is commonly misunderstood and oftentimes minimized. Clearly, our God is doing more than prohibiting the use of a few select words here. In fact, God is calling us to honor His name, not only with our words, but with our thoughts and with our lives as well. Please join with your church family in praying that God will make us 3rd Commandment Christians!
Prayer Guide: June 9, 2019 – Exodus 20:7
1. Praise the God whose name is worthy of all glory and honor as He is the sovereign creator, sustainer, and redeemer of life!
2. Ask God to give you discipline to guard your lips and your life from living in such a way that would bring dishonor to His name.
3. Thank God for His grace in revealing His name and His character to His creation.
4. Confess to God your struggle to live according to His Word and for His glory. Ask God for forgiveness for those time when you simply go through the motions of worship or live in blatant hypocrisy.
5. Give thanks to Jesus who fulfilled the 3rd Commandment perfectly, and who alone holds the name that is above every other name! Ask God for grace to worship Him accordingly.
6. Pray that God will put in our hearts a great desire to engage others with the gospel.
7. Please ask God to protect the unity of our church family. Continue to pray that God will raise up volunteers for VBS. Ask for grace for each of our Missions’ Teams. Plead with him on behalf of our Children’s Minister Search Team. Ask Him to spark generosity and faithfulness amongst our church in terms of giving to support the ministries and expenses of the church.
8. Pray that God’s Spirit would move in marvelous and amazing ways in and through us – bringing spiritual and numerical growth to our church family.