On Sunday, July 14th, we will turn our attention to the 8th Commandment – You Shall Not Steal. Stealing (property, money, reputation, time, etc.) is wrong. Whether the stealing is from an individual, an employer, or the government, to steal is to break the law. Furthermore, at times, we can be guilty of stealing from God, which is profoundly wrong. However, as with the other commandments, this commandment does much more than prohibit the unlawful taking of another’s property. Not only shouldn’t we steal from others, we should love others and serve them with our possessions. Please join with your church family in praying for God’s grace this week.
Prayer Guide: July 14, 2019 – Exodus 20:15
1. Take some time to worship God. Praise Him for His perfect character and thank Him for His perfect provision.
2. Pray that God would increase your trust and contentment in His provision.
3. Repent of using your resources selfishly and for failing to steward what God has entrusted to you in ways that are pleasing to Him.
4. Ask God to give you a greater desire to use what He has blessed you with to love and serve others.
5. Pray that God would be glorified as we conduct VBS 2019. Pray that all our volunteers would serve in the strength that God supplies so that God would gain the glory. Also, pray that God would give spiritual life to many children and that many families would connect with our church as a result of VBS.
6. As the summer comes to an end, please pray that God would raise up volunteers to serve in ministries that will be starting back up again in August. Pray that God will raise up volunteers for our children’s ministry, especially in Sunday School.
7. Pray that our Children’s Minister Search Team would continue to seek the Lord and trust Him to provide the right candidate at the right time.
8. Ask God to give us a great passion for the gospel and that we would speak it regularly to those with whom we interact.