As we near the end of
our study through 1 John, the Apostle encourages us to pray. Because of the
finished work of Jesus, we have access to God and are invited to approach His throne
of grace. When we pray according to His will, we can be confident that God will
answer our prayers. As we kick off focus
week, let’s seek the Lord together, asking Him to accomplish great things through
us, all for His glory.
Pastor Nate
Prayer Guide: Jan 7,
2018 – 1 John 5:13-17
1. Praise God for the
forgiveness of sins and the hope of eternal life found in Jesus Christ.
2. Thank God for the privilege
of prayer; that He listens to us and cares about what matters to us.
3. Ask God to strengthen
your confidence in His ability to answer prayer and to make you a more faithful
and committed prayer warrior.
4. Ask God to refine
your desires as you delight in Him so that you will be more concerned about
what matters to Him and less concerned about the things of this world.
5. Pray for
contentment in life. Confess to God that too often you seek after your own will
and not God’s will.
6. Pray for people you
know (family, friends, etc.) who are straying from Truth. Plead with God to get
their attention so that they will repent.
7. Ask God to do His
work of salvation and sanctification amongst us today.
8. Ask God to make you
sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit as you consider in whom to invest and
invite to Trinity Baptist Church.