In the closing verses
of 1 John, the Apostle reminds his readers of some of the truths that He previously
covered in the letter. He wants us to be confident that God’s grace is
sufficient throughout our whole lives, and that He is protecting us against the
evil one. He assures us that life is found in the Son of God, and warns us
against seeking life in anyone or anything else. Please use this prayer guide to
prepare your heart to receive God’s Word as well as to intercede on behalf of
Pastor Nate
Prayer Guide: Jan 14,
2018 – 1 John 5:18-21
1. Thank God for His
grace in regeneration – For causing us to be born again through the work of the
Holy Spirit.
2. Praise God for His provision
of protection – How the influence of the Holy Spirit, the intercession of Jesus,
and the power of the Father keeps us from ultimately stumbling.
3. Confess to God your
tendency towards misdirected priorities and misplaced loyalties. Ask Him to
help you to pursue Christ and reject idols.
4. Ask God to give you
(and our church family) a greater burden for the plight of those apart from
faith in Christ and a greater passion to share the gospel.
5. Pray for those you
know who are being blinded by the evil one. Ask God to open their eyes to see
the beauty of Jesus and the hope of the gospel.
6. Ask God to do His
work of salvation and sanctification amongst us today.
7. Ask God to make you
(and our church family) sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit as you
consider in whom to invest and invite to Trinity Baptist Church for the sake of
the gospel and the glory of God.