Prayer Guide: Feb 25, 2018 – Acts 3-4

Posted By: Nate Magloughlin - 2/20/2018 11:00:00 AM

As we seek to live on mission with Jesus by engaging others with the gospel and making disciples, we will face opposition. While such opposition will come in a variety of ways, Scripture makes it clear that we should expect it. Scripture also makes it clear that we are not powerless or alone when we face difficulty. God has promised to be with us, giving us His Spirit in order to strengthen and equip us to proclaim Christ. The church family is also a means of grace whereby God blesses His people. As we study Acts 3-4 this weekend, will you join us in prayer as we seek God’s transforming grace.

Pastor Nate

Prayer Guide: Feb 25, 2018 – Acts 3-4

1. Worship the Lord and give thanks to Him for enduring hardship and death on our behalf in order to secure our salvation.   

2. Ask God to make you sensitive to the people all around you who are hurting and need to know God’s love in Jesus.

3. Pray that God’s Spirit will so work in your life to make you a bold witness of Jesus.

4. Confess to God that fear often keeps you from being a faithful witness for Jesus and ask God to give you greater faith in His ability and power.

5. Thank God for your church family. Ask Him for grace to more fully invest into such relationship for the sake of encouragement and growth in Christ. Pray that your church family would be faithful to proclaim Christ and make disciples.

6. Ask God to do His work of salvation and sanctification this week at TBC!