The Fruit of the Spirit is self-control. This Sunday, we will focus on self-control as we finish our series through the Fruit of the Spirit. Self-control is the Holy Spirit enabled ability to exercise control over our whole being. We need the fruit of self-control because of our propensity to sin and because of Satan’s desire to destroy our lives. By God’s grace, let us grow in the fruit of self-control.
Prayer Guide: December 27, 2020 – Gal 5:22-23 / Titus 2:11-12
1. Worship the God who is perfect in holiness and in whom there is no darkness.
2. Praise the Lord Jesus who always exercised perfect self-control, lived a sinless life, and then died on the cross for our sins.
3. Thank God for His grace which teaches us to live self-controlled lives.
4. Pray for grace to exercise self-control over your body, thoughts, and emotions.
5. Ask God to increase your love for His Word.
6. Pray that our church members would be characterized by generosity, that our church would end the year in good financial health, and that we would meet both our church budget goal and our March for Missions goal.
7. Pray for relief from the COVID-19 virus. Pray for our church members and our community. Ask God to graciously care for His people.
8. Ask God to be gracious to our country during the ongoing election turmoil. Pray that the truth surrounding the election would become abundantly clear and that our nation would move forward peacefully. Pray also for our elected officials. Ask God’s Spirit to move in an undeniable way giving our leaders wisdom.