As we enter the last few weeks of the year, we are reminded of God’s great love and grace in sending Jesus to be born of a woman. Joy to the world, the Lord has come! At Christmas, we celebrate the birth of the King – the King of kings. In Matthew 13, Jesus utilizes parables to teach us about His Kingdom. Join with your church family in prayer as we prepare for our worship gathering this Sunday morning.
Prayer Guide: Dec 8, 2019 – Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43
1. As you consider the season that we are in, thank God for His great love and grace in sending to us the Savior, the One who rescues us from our sin.
2. Praise the One who reveals Himself as the Son of Man, the One who holds authority to judge as the King of the kingdom of heaven.
3. Ask God to increase your passion and joy in sharing the gospel – the good news of the kingdom.
4. Pray for grace to walk by the Spirit in the midst of a world that is hostile to the things of God.
5. Confess to God your tendency to be unloving and impatient with the people who surround you – both Christians and non-Christians. As God to give you a heart like His.
6. Ask God for wisdom to discern how He is at work in difficult times and in difficult relationships.
7. Ask God to provide for the financial well-being of our church.
8. Pray that we as a church would prioritize making kingdom investments and not be driven by pursuing self endeavors with our time and money.