The last week of Jesus’ life stands out as emotionally, relationally, and spiritually painful. An" />The last week of Jesus’ life stands out as emotionally, relationally, and spiritually painful. An" />

Prayer Guide: August 30, 2020 – Matthew 26:36-56

Posted By: Nate Magloughlin - 8/26/2020 3:00:00 PM

The last week of Jesus’ life stands out as emotionally, relationally, and spiritually painful. And since we are followers of Jesus, we can expect that God’s plan for our lives will at times include hardship as well. However, as we saw with Jesus, God is always faithful and will provide grace, even when others are not faithful and even during difficulty. Please join with your church family as we pray and prepare for our corporate worship gathering on Sunday morning. 

Prayer Guide: August 30, 2020 – Matthew 26:36-56

1. Praise Jesus for His finished work in the cross and resurrection. Thank Him for submitting to God’s plan for His life, which is the basis for our redemption from sin. 

2. Thank God for the grace that He provides to you while you are facing difficulties in life. Ask Him to help you be discerning and wise as you seek to remain faithful. 

3. Pray for humility to draw near to God in prayer and to believe His promise that He is with you always. 

4. Ask God to help you cultivate closer friendships with fellow believers. Thank him for your current relationships.   

5.  Ask God to be gracious to our church as we search for a new Children’s Minister.

6. Pray that many would hear the gospel and come to faith in Jesus through the ministry of Trinity Baptist Church.

7. Pray for the Uniting As One service at Hodgetown on the evening of Sunday, August 30th. Pray that God’s people would humbly worship Him in Spirit and in Truth and that we would all be more concerned about living for His glory than anything else.