On Sunday, August 19, we begin a new sermon series through the Book of 1 Peter as we kick off Celebrate Missions Week. Writing to Christians who are suffering through trials and persecution, Peter reminds his readers of the hope that they have in Christ Jesus. He wants his readers to know that God is trustworthy and that those who are in Christ are secure. Please join with your church family in prayer as we humble ourselves before God and ask Him to work in us and through us for His glory.
Pastor Nate
Prayer Guide: August 19, 2018 – 1 Peter 1:1-2
1. Pray that members of Trinity Baptist Church will faithfully proclaim Christ in their daily lives and be willing to go with the gospel wherever God calls.
2. Pray that members of Trinity Baptist Church will intentionally invite others to worship with us this weekend as we kick of Celebrate Missions Week.
3. Confess to God your fear and reluctance to live as Jesus’ witness.
4. Pray that our church family will be welcoming and friendly as we anticipate guests Sunday morning.
5. Thank God for graciously electing us and calling us to Himself, thus putting value and significance on our lives.
6. Praise God for the Holy Spirit’s transforming presence in your life. Pray for grace to live and love like Jesus.
7. Plead with God to do His work of salvation and sanctification amongst us at Trinity Baptist Church.