It is finished—Jesus’ victory cry from the cross. Jesus’ sixth word from the cross comes with His last breaths. In this statement, Jesus declares that He has completed His mission, He has made atonement for sinners, He has appeased the wrath of God. Our salvation, our hope of eternal life is tied to Jesus’ obedience in life and in death. As we prepare for corporate worship this Sunday, please join with us in prayer.
Prayer Guide: April 7, 2019 – John 19:30
1. Consider the great price of your salvation and give thanks to Jesus for bearing your sin on the cross.
2. Praise Jesus because He has secured your eternal salvation and invited you to find rest in Him.
3. Ask God to help you grasp the gospel more fully so that you will be more ready to stand firm against the accusations and schemes of the devil.
4. Take time to repent of individual sins in your life—both sins of commission and omission. Ask God to heal the hurts of regret over things in your past, and to give you joy in Christ.
5. Ask God’s Spirit for wisdom and strength to consider yourself dead to sin and alive to God in Jesus Christ.
6. Pray for courage and faithfulness to live for God’s glory and walk in the good works that He has prepared beforehand for us to walk in.
7. Pray that God will glorify Himself by giving spiritual life to spiritually dead hearts this Sunday.
8. Pray that each member of Trinity Baptist Church would be committed to reaching at least one person with the gospel in 2019.