Spiritual Pursuit Matters! Church discipline is ultimately about the loving pursuit of a professing Christian who has gone spiritually astray. May we love each other enough to care for the spiritual well-being of our brothers and sisters in Christ. Please join with your church family this week asking God to increase your love for holiness and your distaste for sin in your own life, and to motivate you to pursue others who are in spiritual danger.
Prayer Guide: April 19, 2020 – Matthew 18:15-20
1. Praise God as the holy and perfect One who is above all and worthy of all praise.
2. Admit to God your need for His grace in your battle to put sin to death in your own life. Confess specific areas of sin and struggle in your life and ask God for forgiveness and restoration. Remind yourself of God’s promise to forgive you of sin and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness as you confess your sin to Him.
3. Plead with God to remove any hint of self-righteous hypocrisy from your life. Ask Him to give you a heart of humility and integrity.
4. Ask God to increase your compassion for those who are wandering from righteousness and to give you wisdom as to how you can pursue them spiritually.
5. Pray for the various families in our church who are battling serious health issues, uncertain job / career situations, unsettled finances, and relational difficulties. Pray for those who are experiencing anxiety, loneliness, and fear during the uncertainty of the times.
6. Ask God to show you how you can be a blessing to someone who needs encouragement today.
7. Pray for our government (Local, State, and Federal). Ask God to give our leaders wisdom to make the best decisions for the common good.
8. Pray for medical personnel and those involved in testing and developing medications to help fight the coronavirus.
9. Pray for church leaders who are struggling to know how to best love and lead the churches that they serve.