As we close out our study through Matthew’s Gospel, we come to one of the most well-known passages in the New Testament – The Great Commission. Here Jesus gives the church its primary purpose, the main reason for its existence. God’s desire is that follower of Jesus Christ make disciples. Join us in prayer as we seek God’s grace in preparation for corporate worship this week.
Prayer Guide: October 4, 2020 – Matthew 28:16-20
1. Give praise to Jesus, the One who possesses all authority as the resurrected Lord and Savior.
2. Repent of your lack of concern for making disciples. Ask God to give you a heart for the lost and a passion to share the gospel and make disciples.
3. Pray for courage and boldness to live on mission with Jesus in a world that is becoming increasingly hostile to absolute Truth.
4. Ask God for grace to model a life of obedience to God’s will and God’s ways.
5. Pray that God would be gracious to our church – that we would be people led by the Spirit and concerned about unity in the Body.
6. Ask God to grant peace and hope in a nation that is so divided.
7. Pray for our Children’s Minister search. Ask God to lead us to the right candidate in His time!